Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Oh my dog

Seems like it was only a few years back when we drove out to a farm to "look" at some puppies. It was Pride day and we brought back a chocolate lab cross to the parade at English Bay, Vancouver.

The night before, I was very emotional, I had made the appointment for 2 weeks ago but cancelled it as neither of us were ready. Last night, he stared at me with eyes that were both vacant and pleading that was when I knew that he was ready and so was I. I repeated the following mantra to helped through the intense feelings I had about the important event.

Don't think about later, don't think about when, just think about NOW, because everything is in place. 

You were my sweet baby, even though we are different species. I loved you like any mother would with their own flash and blood. Why has this been so hard... because I cared for you from beginning till End, there was no hired help or little shared care giving. I waited until you told me that you were finally ready to leave, to leave the weak and achy body that served you for 15 years. I will miss the sound of your tags clanging and your nail clicking on the floor but I will feel the great relief for you and us that the suffering is over.

Rest now my beloved dog 
Checking out my leggings
Spring 2013 walks 

Enjoying his birthday bone from Prey for Dinner  last year at 14 years young
May 19, 1999 - June 3, 2014

1 comment:

  1. Oh Cyber, how I loved thee. Gone but never forgotten. May your soul unite with Cindy's, and wait across the rainbow bridge for the inevitable day when we join you.


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