Friday, July 24, 2015


neon clean sign

Besides food, a holistic lifestyle need to supported by ways like removing as much harmful chemicals as possible out of our every day lives.

In the past two years, I have gradually switched over household cleaning products through trail and error. Some natural cleaning products don't work very well and others are just not economical.

I thought I would share the safe cleaners I have found that works for me and are affordable.
Pink Solution - I use Pink Solution ( a Canadian product ) in my laundry and as an all purpose cleaner.  I make the heavy mix as suggested on their packaging and add 30 drops of my favorite essential oils to the 4 Galloon bottle.  I use 1/2 c of the heavy mix per load of laundry. For the all purpose cleaner, I dilute the heavy mix with water  ( 1 part mix to 4 parts water ) and use in a pump bottle for all purpose cleaning. For a spray bottle I dilute it more ( 1 part heavy mix to 6 part water)  I found this to be the best degreaser and soap scum remover. It really shines up my kitchen and bathrooms. I also use Mother's Choice  ( made by the same company as Pink Solution )to clean non-porous surfaces that may need little elbow grease.

I use Dr. Bronner's Pure Castile soup in several ways, we bath with it, use it as dish soup ( hand washing) and I like to mop with it. There was a recently change in their formula to include non-GMO corn in their product so if you are sensitive to corn, please take note

For dishwasher detergent, I was still searching high and low for a recipe that cleans well until Christina from A Clean Plate gave me her recipe here I still need to source out citric acid to see how that affect the cleaning power but so far her recipe is pretty good. Thank you
Below are a few more resources on  products I mentioned above and some extra cleaning recipes for you to try.

What do you use to clean? Do you have a favorite natural cleaning product recipe you would like to share?

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