Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Coconut free baked goods recipe round up

This coconut free baked goods recipe round up was inspired by a brave 12 yrs old girl with IBD, she has make amazing recoveries using food as "medicine" with the support of her solid family. She has been on a special diet that doesn't include coconut. Now she wants to learn how to make coconut free baked goods to bring to school.

Since I am not a baker, I called on my trusted AIP bloggers friends with our new AIP community ( (logo) signaled in the clouds for this coconut free recipe round up and their creations flood in.

Coconut is an ingredient often used when adapting to a grain free diet. When I first started following the Paleo way of eating, I was excited learn how to bake with coconut flour.

I love coconut anything. 

I learned that it uses a lot of eggs and makes a heavy product. It was a way to help me transition into the new lifestyle and fill the baked goods void. Now, I seldom make baked goods even with AIP recipes because they tend to trigger my desire for sweets so I have really eliminated them.

I still include coconut oil and milk in my diet.

But not everyone can tolerate coconut, as I talk to more people trying to heal their bodies with food, I learn that many people have to navigate their way through a grain free and sometime nut free diet in search for compliant baked goods. If you are one of these people, here is the coconut free baked good recipe round up for you. Thank you to all my blogger pals for chipping in.  Next time you are feeling challenged with your seemingly limited healing diet, watch for the AIP community signal in the sky.


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