Monday, October 26, 2020

Keto Adrenal Cocktail Recipe

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Hey there, 

So much has happened since the last time I posted. 

Hope you're all doing well, I've been mainly active on my Instagram, if you don't already follow me there, please check it out HERE

Now, I started writing this as another IG post but found that it calls for a blog entry here instead.

It's been a transformational week 

I wanted to share this earlier but wanted to make sure it is actually what I think it is. 

Over the past 8 months, we've all been walking on eggshells around this new health threat. 
Our family maintained good health and spirit. 

For myself, I kept a watchful eye on my gut and did my best to keep the new stressors from triggering pre-existing conditions. 

Luckily, no signs of gut flare, phew!

However, along with way, my digestion fluctuated, from the fight or flight mode, to peri-meno changes. Things slowed down. 

So something remarkable happened last Sunday. 

Within 24 hours, I experienced amazing clearing I've been waited for months. 
No questionable foods, just felt like I was ready to let go of trapped emotions out of my body. Fear and negative emotions can manifest into physical unease, especially in the gut. 

Hence my growing interest in the gut and mind connection.

In any kind of cleansing process in the body, hydration is important, but electrolytes are even more so. With too much salts and minerals flushed out, you can feel muscles weakness or mild headaches. 

To put things in better balance, I revisited this drink I used to take in my earlier gut healing, and tweaked it to suit my Keto focus  - my version of the Adrenal Cocktail. 
After downing my first dose…almost instant relief. This drink is also good to support stressful times. 

I waited the week to make sure it wasn’t the beginning of a flare and I’m so grateful for this much needed clearing, honestly, haven’t felt clarity and energy like this for a long long time 🙏🏻

What is an Adrenal Cocktail? It's your easy homemade electrolyte drink, with basic ingredients in most kitchens. And best thing is without all the chemicals and additives in the store bought ones. It helps add minerals, vitamin C for a boost of energy, level off cortisol ( stress hormones fluctuations ) especially handy when you practice some form of fasting.  The taste is a bit acquired, it's like a saltier version of lemonade if you use lemon juice for keto, but the orange juice version is much more pleasant.  

When I first learned about this drink, all the recipes I found calls for orange juice and after I discovered a keto eating style works better for me, I made some changes...

Here's my Keto friendly Adrenal Cocktail recipe that keeps my electrolytes in check and some extra love for my adrenals 

  • ¼ c fresh lemon juice (Keto)  or ½ c fresh orange juice
  •  -  ¼  tsp cream of tartar
  • ¼-½ tsp sea salt
  • optional stevia drops to taste

I usually make it fresh and drink it right away but you may double the recipe for your daily two doses. I was drinking mine twice a day, when I felt my adrenals were most overworked, around 10am and 2 pm for a boost, but now an ealier afternoon hit gets me back on track. 

What does your body tell you during difficult times? and how do you respond? 

More to come on other aids that helped this gut clearing...